The FED and US government officials have stated that no firm will be ‘bailed out” or rescued like Bear Stearns or AIG. They are not being honest with us. Everything now is TOO BIG TO FAIL! What do they plan to do in the event of another major financial crisis? Banks and financial firms have never been larger and riskier. The mechanisms in Dodd Frank for an “orderly” wind-down of a large financial firm is to prevent widespread market panic. However, anyone who understands finance knows that markets behave irrationally. How can the federal government or the FED say nothing is too big to fail after the debacle of Lehman Brothers? While it is true that Lehman and other financial firms caused their own demise, the chaos of letting Lehman fail exacerbated the financial crisis. Can you imagine Citigroup being left to fail? The economy is still in a shaky recovery. Letting big financial firms fail will never happen again because of the overall damage to the US and global economy. When Ben Bernanke and the government claim they will not ‘bail out firms in the event of another crisis' it makes me think they are lying to everyone.